Human resources & talents in Eastern France
Eastern France offers real ease of recruitment, thanks to the large pool of highly motivated, talented, well-trained and multilingual potential employees.
Higher education here is world-class, diverse and international. The region is also a hotspot of science and research in Europe, with outstanding public institutes and laboratories, used to working and collaborating with the private sector.
Higher education in Eastern France
The quality education provided in Eastern France has attracted the youth of France and the rest of the world. With more than 209,000 students, including 28,000 foreign students the region ranks second after Paris for its international attractiveness.
The region offers a high-performance education system adapted to the needs of businesses with a complete range of high-level programmes. Get the best from France, Germany and Switzerland: the universities of Alsace, together with those of Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Basel, form the EUCOR – European Campus / European Confederation of Upper Rhine Universities. Students and trainees can benefit from a variety of tri-national programmes offered with the two neighbouring countries. Eastern France is also the 4th largest region in France for patent applications, and trains an average of 4,900 PhD students per year.
You will find
- 5 universities
- 2 European campuses
Unique institutes and infrastructures for your business
EASE, a unique bioprocess training centre in Europe
This innovative total immersion training centre has been designed as a real factory, by and for manufacturers. In real-life conditions, students will acquire specific skills such as good manufacturing practices and an in-depth knowledge of the processes, techniques and constraints of working in a clean room. This infrastructure is mainly intended for the health industry but also for the chemical and food industry.
IEEPI, European Institute of Enterprise and Intellectual Property
Created by the Ministry of Industry and the French Patent Office (inpi), the IEEPI develops the strategic use of intellectual property and trains managers in the field of IP at the European level.
The institute offers training on the strategic and managerial aspects of intellectual property to companies, especially SMEs, public research organisations, universities and IP practitioners.
The IEEPI is characterised by the high level of expertise of its speakers and its training programme covering all subjects related to the protection of innovation. Located in Strasbourg, it will soon be completed by a Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Property (PCPI).