Starting your business in Eastern France: 10 key steps
You choose the Grand Est to set up your business or a subsidiary of your company? The process is quick and clearly mapped out. Here is how to proceed in 10 steps.

step 1
Choose the legal form of your company
SAS, SARL, SA, etc.: in France, there are different legal forms for setting up a company, and each one has specific characteristics that must be studied before making a choice. Once you have made your choice, you need to prepare your company’s statutes, which will include the name of the director and the amount of capital.
This crucial stage requires a good knowledge of the particularities and advantages of each status. We know them well and can advise you.
Find a location
There are two possibilities for setting up your company’s headquarters and/or premises: you can have a temporary address, for example in a business centre, or you can sign a lease for a permanent address. This will enable you to hold a document attesting to your address, which you will be asked for later.
In both cases, our teams are at your side to help you find the perfect site for your location.
Open a bank account
Your company’s bank account should be in its name, even if it is a start-up. The bank must be carefully chosen according to your needs in terms of investment, international business, etc. We help you to find your way around the existing banks and facilitate contacts.
Deposit the capital

By depositing the amount of your capital into your newly opened bank account, you will receive a certificate of deposit which will be requested later in the process. Your project is now in the starting blocks!
Fill in the data related to the legal representative
Depending on its legal status, your company has a CEO, a manager or a president. This person is the legal head of the company: his or her identity and address must be clearly documented.
Announce the creation of your company
In France, it is compulsory to publish an announcement in a legal newspaper to announce the creation of a company. This action must be taken before filing the application for registration, as the announcement generates a receipt to be attached to your file.
More information:
Apply for your registration
Put together your proof of address, your bank certificate, the documents concerning the identity of the director and the receipt for the legal announcement. Then submit all these documents to the CFE (Centre de Formalités des Entreprises) of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to which you belong. The CFE is responsible for informing the relevant authorities (URSSAF, taxes, etc.) of the creation of your company.
Get your Kbis
The Kbis is the official document that certifies the legal existence of your company. It is sent to you by the commercial court after one or two months at the most. This is the stage that requires the most patience, as these deadlines are incompressible.
Access your capital
Receipt of the Kbis instantly releases your capital, which was temporarily frozen in the company’s bank account.
Start your business
Once you have obtained your Kbis, you now have the key to hire, work and develop. The Grand Est Développement International team is at your side to help your business take off!
At every stage, you can count on our expertise to facilitate and smooth your establishment in Eastern France. Do not hesitate to contact us!