Renewable energies
A pioneer since the end of the 1990s by launching public policies to promote renewable energies, Eastern France is a leading territory in the energy revolution.
Key figures
- 30 billion euros for the ecological transition
- 2021/22: 6.7 billion euros invested in the thermal renovation of buildings
- 49,000 companies and 135,000 employees
Eastern France: A Region committed on all fronts
Eastern France is among the leading producers in France for biogas (15% of national production), wind power (22%), biomass (22%). It is also the French centre for the technological development and exploitation of deep geothermal energy (electrical and thermal). Additionnaly, it makes the development of the carbon-free hydrogen sector a priority. Finally, thanks to the forest of the Vosges mountains, it is one of the leading producers of wood energy.
The range of renewable energies in Eastern France includes hydroelectricity, wind energy, photovoltaic solar energy, wood energy, hydrogen, geothermal energy, aerothermal energy, solar thermal energy and agrofuels. Developments in deep geothermal energy have also led to the detection of high concentrations of lithium in groundwater. The industrial exploitation of this resource is currently being studied.
Clusters, training: renewable energy at the heart of research
Two clusters are deploying their forces on the subject of renewable energies. These are Biogaz vallée, which focuses on the methanisation of agricultural and agro-industrial residues or on the selective collection of bio-waste. The second is the Materalia competitiveness cluster, which supports projects working for the energy transition.
At the same time, our Region trains engineers and researchers through its universities and public research bodies. We also offer training courses specific to renewable energies, such as:
- the wind farm maintenance technician course in Charleville-Mézières,
- the BZEE (BildungZentrum für Erneuerbare Energien) world certification,
- and soon GWO (Global Wind Organisation).
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Description :
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